Category: DIY Projects

How to make rose water at home easily

How to Make Rose Water at Home

Rose water and oil have been known since immemorial times for their skin treating qualities. It is hydrating and tonifying, with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-wrinkle effects, while inhibiting spread of bacteria. The skin is...

How to use old doors and windows at home

How to use old doors and windows

We recycle and repurpose old objects thinking of savings and the environment. Almost any object around us is saved from being thrown away and gets a new role in the household. Imagination has no...

Wine cork DIY decorating projects for home

10 wine cork DIY decorating projects

They’re everywhere, we have plenty of them and we throw them away without thinking those small pieces of cork can immediately take any form and, especially, may again become useful in our home. Drink...

Vertical gardens in the city

Vertical gardens, miniature oases

A garden, especially in the city, breaks the fast pace of life, entertains you and recharge your batteries. But what do you do when you have little or no space for your little passion...

10 reclaimed wood furniture ideas for home

10 reclaimed wood furniture ideas

Wood is undoubtedly the most commonly used material in the do-it -yourself projects, in abundance and easy to handle and work with. Be it wood from an old furniture, whether we consider pallets or...

DIY projects using old tires for the home

DIY projects using old tires

We live in a world where cities begin to be populated by cars, their number increasing from year to year. It is statistically proven that in this context, every human throws away an old...