How to Make Rose Water at Home

Rose water and oil have been known since immemorial times for their skin treating qualities. It is hydrating and tonifying, with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-wrinkle effects, while inhibiting spread of bacteria. The skin is moisturized and purified after washed with rose water, getting that velvety complexion. If you want to benefit from this cheap and easy cosmetic treatment, then you should take a look at these two recipes which teaches you how to make rose water at home.

For the first one, you only need rose petals and distilled water. Use only freshly picked petals and make sure they are not from a rose grown with pesticide and other chemicals. It is preferable you use home grown roses in this process. Petals shall be picked a few hours after sunrise so that dew evaporates and then wash them to remove dirt and other insects.

Put the petals in a pot and add distilled water just enough to cover the petals. You may not wish to get a diluted rose water in the end. Cover the pot with a lid and leave it on low flame till it starts steaming hot. Make sure the water is not boiling. Let it boil until petals lose the color and water takes it on while small oil stains start floating on the surface. Let the water cool and then strain it and deposit the rose water in bottles which shall be kept in a fridge for a longer lifetime.

The second recipe is to make rose oil and is as easy as the previous. Pour a few inches of water into a pot and bring it to a boil then remove from heat. Take a glass jar and pout a cup of oil in it, preferably neutral odor oil, such as jojoba oil and grapeseed oil. Crush or shred the rose petals (about a cup of them) and add them to the oil in the jar.

Cover the jar, swirl it around so petals are submerged in oil and then place the jar into the hot water. The warmed oil will help release the scent of the petals. After the water cools, remove the jar and place in a sunny area, such as a windowsill and leave it there for 24 hours. Strain the oil while pressing the petals to extract as much oil as possible and then deposit in dark bottles.


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