Comfy Interiors – Why Proper Humidity Matters

We are more concerned about interior design than a number of issues that have a direct impact on our health. Like, for example, the level of moisture in a room, with harmful effects if not kept under control. We’ve already seen how to choose a dehumidifier for those areas with excessive humidity and the consequences this high level has, both on health and the building structure. Today we see how we ensure comfy interiors by turning to humidifiers.

The level of humidity inside the house or office should ideally be above the 40%, under this level a number of health and other problems can come up. Monitoring can be done with a device called a hygrometer, while some humidifiers already have a built-in sensor that can also inform you about the level of humidity in the room on a display and setting a value to keep it constant. Usually, humidifiers are more useful in winter when the outside air is much drier and heating systems are in operation, which accelerates the process of air drying.

There are still houses in which, due to their location, air can be very dry in summer. Maintaining a normal level ranging between 45% and 55% is imperative, especially if you have children, because a too dry air leads to quick dehydration. Besides the health factor, there’s another one linked to the damage dry air can cause inside a home: furniture, woodwork, antiques, paintings, books, manuscripts and other objects sensitive to low humidity and, in some cases, it is irreparable. Humidifiers are useful not only for spaces at home or office, they are extremely useful in museums, libraries, shops and many other places where normal level of moisture is required.

There is a range of performant and silent humidifiers that can match different surface, with different utility. All of them feature a modern design that integrates them seamlessly into your homes while some also include air purification technology, ideal for those suffering from allergies.

While the cold season is away, it is though recommended to make preparations in time. Prepare in advance for winter equipping your homes with diesel or electric heaters so you can use them in different spaces. In both cases they are economical and can be easily suspended on the wall, some of them having a thickness of 11 cm. For larger spaces, choose a heat gun that can be easily transported.

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