Seven Unique Bedrooms – Inspiring Design Ideas

Bedrooms are probably the rooms where you can experiment freely with new interior design ideas, if you want a radical change, but still hesitate. These are the intimate spaces where you can play with shapes and colors so that the interior design finally reflects most of your personality. Below you can see pictures taken in seven unique bedrooms to inspire you in the choice that you want to make and which show that, regardless of space, the bedroom can exude a strong character, just like you. Pictures and info come via

A first bedroom in sight in which each walls tell its own story. The background wall is divided between a wood sector with original embossed texture and an organic sector, dressed in ivy, while the other two are succeeding in stark contrasts. Lighting fixtures on the floor, in the wall and hanging from the ceiling add dynamism to this decor.

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Another bedroom dressed in wood, highlighted by abundant natural light. The picture’s background wall is dominated by sharp geometric shapes, blurred by the soft contours of the seats near the window. Seen from another perspective, the bedroom expands into an open marble-walled bath area to the left.

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A layered image, which enhances the impression of space, brings us the next bedroom featuring hues of relaxing gray. Again wooden accessories take the initiative in this bedroom that seems to combine effectively element of Asian and Scandinavian styles.

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In this bedroom, the owner chose dark shades which, bathed in the natural light that enters through the windows aligned along the circular wall, lose their sobriety, becoming part of a mix of colors and patterns full of refinement.

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A room designed simply so that the full attention is focused on the background wall. The ambient light spreads a touch of drama over shapes that seem to make the whole room moving.

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This is the bedroom of two art lovers and the round shapes depicted in the paintings on the wall find their counterparts in the furniture. The chamber finds its personality in the very inspired blend of colors, perfectly highlighted by the white background.

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Finally, a Scandinavian inspired bedroom, minimalist and open, and that absorbs all the natural light flowing inside through the skylight. Storage spaces are perfectly integrated into the wall, while the whole interior space seems to flow freely from one corner to another.

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