How To Choose The Right Mattress – Small Buying Guide

We start this discussion from the simple mention we spend almost a third of our lifetime in a bed. Therefore, getting a good night’s rest is essential for short and long-term health, so it’s important to choose a mattress that complements your body’s physical needs and sleeping patterns. Go for comfortable, superior quality mattresses because, regardless of the décor you set up in a bedroom, if you pick the wrong mattress then all your plans will remain solely on paper and, in time, the negative effects on your health will start showing: insomnia, irritability, dark rings, lower focus capacity, back pains and so forth. Here are a few details below showing you how to choose the right mattress so you start a new day with maximum energy.

Let’s first take a look at the types of mattresses being sold these days, based on the main technologies used in manufacturing. The first option is the classic innerspring mattress which uses a steel coil support system. Manufacturers offer several different types of spring systems, including units with springs connected into a single unit and individually wrapped pocketed coils. Essential to remember here is that the greater the number of coils, the more points of support and greater distribution, thus the better the bed can contour and support the sleeper.

Then we have the foam and the memory foam mattresses which use a high density polyurethane foam as the support system, in the upholstery layer, or both. This foam has properties that allow it to contour closely to the shape of the sleeper. Latex mattresses come next, using latex foam as the support system, in the upholstery layers, or both. Latex may be made from plant or petroleum-based materials. And then we have the hybrid mattress which combines a steel coil support system with one or more types of foam, such as polyurethane foam, memory foam, or latex foam, as well as foams that contain gel or other materials. For those suffering from spine affections, there’s the orthopedic mattress, designed to firmly support the joints, back and the overall body.

Any of these types can make an optimal choice for you, based on your weight, sleeping position and other personal aspects, such as the existence or not of spine affections. Specialists recommend testing a mattress before you buy one so you can make a minimal physical evaluation on the spot. Also, make sure the materials is made of are sufficiently flexible and elastic to adapt to the body shape and the spine and to support them in an adequate ergonomic position. A good night’s sleep depends on the proper physical support of the mattress. In this context, most of the opinions converge towards choosing a memory foam mattress, unless involved serious back conditions which call for orthopedic mattresses. Also, it is important to go for mattresses made from hypoallergenic materials which shall keep away mites as much as possible so you avoid respiratory and allergenic problems.


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