Interior Lighting Tips

The way light is projected inside your home is of crucial importance in the day to day life because proper lighting also regulates our spirit. Light brings extra comfort and warmth to a room and this will also reflect in our disposition. Home lighting is even more important on those gloomy and long winter evenings and when a well-placed lamp can take us out of that state of numbness. Here are some interior lighting tips to make your home a welcoming, warm and cozy place:

The first step is to minimize distracting glare which is also eye-irritating. To this end, place furniture in a way that will help to minimize glare. Avoid the use of glass top tables which can reflect light and create a glare.

Secondly, specialists say, pay close attention to ample lighting since this is one of the easiest ways to bring warmth and comfort to a room. Opt for yellow-tinted lighting for a more welcoming ambiance versus harsh white light.

Choose and place lighting sources depending on your needs and the utility of the room. Thus, add a lamp next to the bed and next to the chair where you will read and install under cabinets lights in the kitchen to provide extra lighting for tasks such as chopping food. Also, use nightlights or motion sensor lights on the hallways. Dimmer switches are also ideal for those rooms where you need ambient light.

For the living room, home designers recommend to light three of the four corners, focusing one of those lights on an object – a painting or a striking chair design. In the dining room, let the room focus on the table while in the bedroom, apart from the bedside lamps or sconces, you can choose an intimate low-wattage lamp that can mimic candle light for a romantic atmosphere.
But, regardless of the room, experts say nothing can beat natural light, the cheapest and healthiest source, and this is why it recommended to optimize it: large windows, skylights and, following the Scandinavian model, white walls and furniture that maximize natural light.


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