100 Square Meter Vegetable Garden – Tips For A Bumpy Crop

Experts say that any amateur farmer can produce about 2 kilograms of vegetables per square meter. Even on a small area of ​​100 square meters, the harvest is sufficient to generate substantial savings for a family of 3-4 members. Ideally, a garden area that fully meets the needs of such families is 300 square meters, but that does not mean you cannot grow on smaller areas to reduce expenses. So here are some practical tips for 100 square meter vegetable garden.

Because we are dealing with a very small area, make sure that the land is flat, without bumps, having southern exposure and a soft ground so rain water doesn’t accumulate. Easy to understand that you must have a permanent source of water on hand for watering crops. If you want to grow vegetables, then it’s important to know that the soil should be rich in nutrients, ripe, damp and with a high content of organic matter.

Given the reduced area, it is important to have at least two harvests per year on each parcel of land. Since we deal with a 100 square meter garden, specialists will recommend you focusing on those crops which are usually used daily in a household: dill, parsley, lovage, green onions, spinach, lettuce, beans, kidney bean, dwarf peas, carrots, tomatoes and others. Besides these, early and autumn cabbage, cucumbers and courgettes, peppers and aubergines, garlic and onion dry can also find their place.

When growing vegetables one should be aware of the sun exposure. Thus, the most demanding vegetables in terms of temperature sensitivity will be placed in the most sheltered and sunniest areas. But we should reserve a small area for perennial crops, crops that for many years on will be harvested from the same land (horseradish, lovage, rhubarb, asparagus, etc.).

After you’ve decided on growing vegetables, divide the land in lots in order to have an overview of the distribution of vegetables onto the surface, leaving a narrow access path to each. You can allocate a larger share to early potatoes and respectively late season potatoes and, in equal surfaces, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. On a surface, for example, of 25 square meters, you can get a harvest of 100 kg of late season potatoes, and on one of 20 square meters you will get a harvest of 40 kilograms of early potatoes. On an area of ​​10 square meters, you can get about 20 kilos of tomatoes.

Keep in mind when assigning plots of land the time each type of plant requires to fully grow: plants that will need the land for the entire season (peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, root, etc.), plants that occupy the land less than a season, cold season harvests (spring onions and garlic, lettuce, spinach), warm season crops (cucumbers, zucchini, beans garden), perennials that need the land several seasons culture (lovage, rhubarb etc.).

Sources: Fermierul.ro, Casasidesign.ro

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