Outdoor Easter Decorations – 15 Colorful Ideas

The Easter holiday spirit is slowly taking over us, but this doesn’t have to reflect only in our urge to go shopping or in the kitchen. Expand your joy over outdoors, too, such as the patio, deck or garden, and go for ornamental accessories that you can make yourselves. We will inspire you by compiling some outdoor Easter decorations, so you are completely ready for the three day holiday.

Let’s start with a bit of color, just as a patio or a garden is supposed to look like in spring when nature comes back to life. Let these ornaments say a heartfelt welcome to all those visiting your for Easter, in numerous blends of shapes and colors which will lift them up. Bunnies and eggs are a must in all these decorations, wherever they belong on your property.

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Create a small corner of holiday spirit around a tree in the garden that will bring together all the symbols of these special days. Challenge the kids to join you in these efforts to refresh the garden landscape.

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Play with arrangements where a bit of nature is also present. Create such bouquets of color where to bring together flower, branches. Herbs and eggs, whether natural or replicas. Display these small visual focal points in various places so they can easily draw attention.

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Some moss balls that resemble eggs, wrapped in some hemp rope and sprinkled with some colorful flowers are original ideas that bring organic accents to any inert corner of your patios.

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And since it is the Orthodox Easter getting closer these days, religious symbols can be easily transposed into small creations that your kids will also love. Some miniature tombs imitating the Resurrection scene are a challenge for those into DIY projects.

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And since images do speak most eloquently, here are some more outdoor Easter decorations so you can make your favorite spaces outside radiate the holiday joy by means of accessible and easy to carry out combinations. Let these ingenious shapes speak about the beauty of spring and the happiness of bringing the family together for holidays.

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Sources: Ofdesign.net, Pinterest.com, Countryliving.com

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