Planting Hyacinths in Pots. How to Choose the Right Bulbs and Care for the Plants

Hyacinths bulb flowers that bloom in spring and are appreciated for their intense fragrance, but also for their amazing, diverse colors. To enjoy their beauty and fragrance around the year, you can plant them indoors in pots or glass jars filled with water. This is what you need to know about planting hyacinths in pots and caring for them.

Hyacinths originated in Africa and the Mediterranean area. The popular garden flowers were brought into Europe from Anatolia in the 16th century. Nowadays, the most appreciated varieties are Fondant (pink), Blue Jacket (dark blue), City of Haarlem (yellow), White Pearl and Carnegie (white), Jan Boss (red), Splendid Cornelia (light purple), Purple Star (pink violet).

Planting hyacinths in pots. The bulbs and pots

For a rich, full blossom, it’s essential to have large bulbs of hyacinths. The pots must be 4 inches in diameter and over 8 inches deep. Plant them 5 inches deep with a 2-3 inches under layer. There should also be a base layer of sand for drainage.

It’s also recommended that the pots have drainage holes. A well drainage is essential for the health of all bulb plants.

If you want different color hyacinths in a cluster, use a flower box. In this case, plant the bulbs 3 inches apart.

The bulbs need rich in nutrients, loose and well drained soil. Garden soil is not recommended. Use peat, leaf soil and sand in equal parts and optionally add fertilizers.

It’s also common to grow hyacinths in water filled glass jars.  You can choose square, decorative ones, for a modern design. You will see how the roots grow every day in the water. Make the entire design more attractive by adding pebbles and seashells in the jars.

Planting hyacinths in pots. The after-seeding treatment

Right after planting, water the pots abundantly, but make sure the soil is well drained. The bulbs now require to spend some time in the cold. That’s why all spring bulb flowers are planted outside late in the autumn, before the first frost, in order to bloom from the beginning of March. Even if potted, you must simulate winter time, by keeping the bulbs in a dark place, at a temperature of 35 – 40 degrees, for 8-12 weeks. Then move the potted bulbs to a bright and warm place to bloom.

If you have the possibility to keep the bulbs outside for the winter, plant them into large pots, of 19-20 inches in diameter, or in large flower boxes, and cover the soil in mulch (a mixture of dried chopped leaves and straws), to avoid freezing.

Planting hyacinths in pots. Caring for them

Potted hyacinths need little water, a lot of light and ventilation (even faded hyacinths freshen up if brought into good light and air). It’s essential to keep them away from heating sources, balconies being a good place for them. When flowers fade out and leaves dry, you can take out the bulb and plant it in the garden in autumn. Keep it wrapped in newspaper in a cool place over winter if you plan to do so.


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