How To Remove Rust Stains From Clothes In A Few Easy Steps

Food stains break our daily rhythm and send us looking for water, the first source of help under these circumstances. But when it comes to rust stains, the problem gets more serious and calls for extra effort for their removal. But it’s not a mission impossible. Water just gets new allies, efficient combinations which do their job in the end. Below are several tips on how to remove rust stains from clothes, solutions that are within reach. Just remember to clean any stain as soon as you notice it. The longer stains have to set in, the harder they are to get out.

The first resources coming to our help are vinegar and lemon juice. Lay the clothing or fabric out on an old towel and pour a small amount of white vinegar directly on the stain – or rub a cut lemon half on the stain. Saturate it thoroughly, then blot it with a clean white towel. Finally, lay outside in the sunshine until the stain starts to fade, then wash as usual.

Another simple combination that works in removing rust stains is between table salt and lemon juice. Mix the salt with the lemon juice, with the former in a bigger proportion so you get a paste like composition in the end. Take the paste then and smear it on the rust stains – try to cover them evenly. Then, take the garment outside and set it in direct sunlight for around 30-60 minutes – and the stains should be gone. Repeat the whole process for harder stains.

The third tip relies on lemon juice again. Spread the stained area over a pot of just-boiled water. Make sure the flame is off so you don’t start a fire. Sprinkle lemon juice on the stain and let sit for a while. After a few minutes, rinse the stain and the clothes will look brand new. Repeat if necessary.

Last, but not least, use tartar cream, a fine white powder with many culinary applications. Boil a pot of two liters of water with six teaspoons cream of tartar. Remove the pot from the heat. Soak the stained garment in the hot liquid for an hour or two.

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