Home Organizing Tips – How To Declutter

We live in cluttered spaces and blame it on the alert rhythm of urban life, even if we are all aware this is often invoked as a pretext. But when cleaning time finally comes, one can hardly figure out where to start from. To help you a little, here are some home organizing tips Huffington Post compiled from Harriet Griffey’s latest book – I want to be organized.

Since many of us spend most of the time here, make your kitchen as accommodating as possible. Here is what the writer says: “those items you use every day should be immediately accessible, either in a cupboard close to the food preparation or cooking area, or hanging from a bar on the wall or overhead, depending on your kitchen design. More specialized equipment—the pasta maker, vegetable spiralizer, ice-cream maker, and so on—can be stored in less accessible spaces. Store delicate glassware separately from crockery, and don’t put heavy items high up or low down, but ideally just above or below waist height.”

The living room is where we relax so make it feel more spacious. “Keep background colors pale and furniture a similar color. Create one wall of floor-to-ceiling shelving (matching the wall in color) that can house books, DVDs, framed photographs, and precious ornaments. Avoid patterned carpets or multiple rugs: consider stripping floorboards and painting them if their quality isn’t great.”

Home organizing tips – store wisely

Similar to the kitchen organizing tips, find storage solutions in the bath. “As a general rule, store anything that isn’t used on a daily basis, leaving out only those products you use every day. Use drawer or shelf dividers for beauty products that are smaller in size and can get muddled and damaged if dumped together. If space is in short supply, use an over-the-door shoe holder in which you can store items not in everyday use.”

Ponturi pentru organizarea spatiului acasa home organizing tips 1 Ponturi pentru organizarea spatiului acasa home organizing tips 2

They say that making your bed every day boosts your spirit. “This is easy and quick to do if you have a duvet or continental quilt. When you get up, simply fold the quilt back to air while you shower and dress, then give it a shake, smooth it straight, and plump up the pillows ready for your return. Immediately the bedroom looks more organized. If your bed has to double as a couch during the day, keep a bedspread blanket or cover to throw over it, to keep clean the sheets on which you actually sleep,” Harriet Griffey concludes.

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