Hemp Rope Craft Ideas – An Authentic Rustic Feel
It doesn’t all come down to mere wood and stone when trying to give a space an authentic rustic. Consider hemp rope craft ideas as well to complete this image. With a pretty narrow range of primary uses in our homes, the hemp rope brings with it that once upon a time vintage feel, a sober and archaic presence which can be transposed in contemporary times in many ways and forms. With a little imagination and creativity, you can make beautiful and original hemp rope crafts which shall supplement and boos wood’s value in a home. Below are several hemp roe craft ideas, easy to make.
We never have enough storage spaces, always looking for new places to store a growing number of personal items. And since we mentioned the wood-rope symbiosis, take some planks of an old wooden pallets and thread them to get what you can see below, nice looking shelves, very useful in any home, perfectly integrating the landscape.

Hemp rope craft ideas – ingenious storage spaces
Give a room a whole new look covering the table and stools in hemp rope. Not only do they look fine, but the surfaces get more adhesion.

Hemp rope craft ideas – stools clad in hemp rope
Sticking to the same recipe, wrap a hemp rope around a lamp shade and the modern accessory will lose its contemporary look, becoming more modest and earthy. For various effects, paint the rope in different colors matching the other accessories in the room.

Hemp rope craft ideas – an earthy looking lamp
Beauty often lies in simple things while we uselessly complicate things! The image below presents a must-have for winter holidays, full of light and radiating the Christmas spirit, in an easy to make décor craft. The rope comes to literally complete the small item.

Hemp rope craft ideas – bring light into your homes
Flower pots can also get a new look which will make a difference inside by also wrapping them up in hemp rope. You can play with colors for a more dynamic final image.

Hemp rope craft ideas – pots with personality
Sources: Diyncrafts.com, Pinterest.com, Brit.co