Five Tips For Quick Cleaning

You just put on the apron, rolled the sleeves up, took the broom, the dust pan and the brushes out of the closet and now you’re taking a frowned look at the challenge ahead. Cleaning is about to start. But before you start sweeping, scrubbing and dusting, take a quick look at these five tips for quick cleaning which will make your effort easier and the ordeal shorter. This is some practical advice which may be a way out of many situations you run into at home, coming to you via

Some glass and plastic containers get that unpleasant smell if they are not washed properly. Deodorize these smelly glass jars by washing them with a mixture of one teaspoon powdered mustard and one quart warm water.

You may have known that already but we are bringing this up again for the sake of the young generation. If you want crystal clear windows, then rely on newspapers. Newspapers deposit less lint than paper towels do and don’t leave any streaks. Just spray on a glass cleaner and wipe and you will get perfectly clean windows.

When you go down into the basement or cellar, that humid and smelly air strikes you from the first step taken inside. You can clear the air in a dank basement with the help of a solution so close to you. Cut an onion in half, place it on a plate, and leave it out overnight. Once the initial salad-bar aroma dissipates, you’ll have a fresh (no-onion smell either) atmosphere.

After each shower you take, the bath mat is soaking wet and you usually lift it on the tub side to dry it. But here’s a more efficient solution: use a pant hanger to air-dry a bath mat after showering. Simply hang it over the shower curtain rod and the mat will dry more quickly.

However romantic candles may be and no matter how much passion they light in a couple, they still catch all the dust in the air and you feel that as soon as you take them in your hand. Remove dust from candles by running it through the leg of an old pair of panty hose and they will be again ready to take on the passion kindling role.

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