10 wine cork DIY decorating projects
They’re everywhere, we have plenty of them and we throw them away without thinking those small pieces of cork can immediately take any form and, especially, may again become useful in our home. Drink wine, but do not forget to set aside corks which will later test your creativity. To help, here are ten ideas for wine cork DIY decorating projects:
– A kitchen counter trivet we all use for the hot containers. We all buy it in stores because it is useful at home. Why not save money and build it yourself, following the model in the picture? As the corks are more diverse, everyone can then see the record of the wines you have drunk.

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – kitchen trivet
– A keychain or, if you add some small beads for a more intense visual effect, it can turn into a decorative element that enhances the effect of flowers in a vase

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – key chain or decorative element for flowers
– A memory stick support. That’s something you haven’t thought of, right? Imagine the reaction of those who see you take out such an unusual object from your pocket.

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – memory stirck support
– A decorative element for children. Certainly, the owl in the picture may be accompanied by many other improvised toys. Just a bit of imagination is required. Speaking of kids, the series of wine cork DIY decorating projects can continue with these stamps.

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – kids will love them
– Corks can be combined so that you get a cover for a coffee table or a dresser on which you place drinks from the bar. Covered in glass, the visual effect is stronger.

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – cover for a dresser
– A photo frame, largely crafted in a similar manner with the kitchen trivet. It can equally be transformed into an original gift for the close ones.

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – photo frame
– Examples of wine cork DIY decorating projects continue with a cover for the garden pots that breath life into inert objects in your garden

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – cover for pots
– A cork hanging summer curtain at the entrance, to protect from sun or to prevent insects from entering the room. Painted in different colores, the strands of corks have an impressive visual effect

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – summer curtain
– Bath mat – what other material within our reach could be more easily reused to become a bath mat other than wine corks?

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – bath mat
– Card holders – whether you use them in a formal context, such as a business meeting or leave a message to your children or wife/husband on the kitchen table, this seems to be the easiest of the wine cork DIY decorating projects

Wine cork DIY decorating projects – card holders