Yellow Accents In Interior Design – 10 Samples of Energy

Yellow is a color which reflects warmth and energy, yet rarely found in interior designs of modern homes where color is usually an integral part of a décor exuding vitality. Yellow carries captivating contrasts and accents, even if presents in small spots of bold color that will eventually prevail visually and make a difference. Here are some telling examples that will convince you yellow deserves a chance, breaking any chromatic monotony that sadly ruins any home decor. Pictures come via

The first example shows the living of a modern home, in which yellow accessories come to break the chromatic supremacy of grey in different shades. The painting on the wall makes a smooth transition between the two dominant colors.

galbenul in design interior yellow accents in interior design

As we said, experiment with accessories if you don’t dare do more for a start. As seen in the image below, yellow easily stands out even if present in small portions. The yellow pendulum discreetly impart dynamism to the image.

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Give yellow more space for a similar visual effect. The same grey background, with touches of black and orange here and there, give yellow the same leading role in this décor.

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Yellow in sunny tones, with some orange touches, spread harmony across the whole room. Natural light brings open colors closer visually at the expense of the dark background.

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A living with a kitchen in the background discharging vitality. Yellow dots the picture, coming in small visual focal points which add to the chromatic diversity of the room, expanding it spatially.

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A similar youngish décor in which yellow sneaks discreetly to give the place more dynamism. Two chairs in different designs are enough to create eye-catching accents.

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If you dare for more, then go all the way and there will be no regrets. A room clad in various yellow tones is a visiting card that speaks in a chromatic language about the joy of life and a curiosity which paves the way for experiences that can only be useful.

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A wave of natural light that floods the white stretch in this room. The yellow wooden floor brings some warmth into the room, supplementing the role of light.

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A yellow spot literally this time, drawing all the attention from the very first look. A sober and rigorous design which is poised by the yellow insertions.

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