15 Wood Pallet Deck Ideas

Pallets are probably the most accessible construction material that can help build countless and diverse structures. We have seen over time how pallets, joined in different DIY ideas, can bring extra shape both inside and outside our homes, metamorphosing from a rigid looking material into useful items around the household. This time we are raising the stake and take a look at some wood pallets deck ideas that can diversify the natural décor in your gardens or yards.

The building process is not a difficult one, placing the pallets is done in a simple way which results in the classic shape of a deck, just as putting some Lego pieces together. Whether you attach it to a house or build it in the middle of the garden, such a deck is welcome refuge for the summer days.

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If you want more than that, add the deck some furniture items, also made from pallets. For what you can see below here, the handyman used up to 30-40 wood pallets, almost half of them needed to build the deck alone. The final costs rose to about 50 Euros, with the whole process stretching over a month and a half. The planks were placed in diagonal for extra pattern brought into this natural décor.

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The advantage of such a patio is that it can be placed anywhere, wherever space allows you. The ideal place is under a tree or in a green corner of your yard or garden for a more relaxing effect.

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Personalize this corner, adding a bit of color. Pillows, mattresses, throws and other decorative elements, so that the old wood pallets lose their austere look and comes back to life, matching the energetic natural environment all around.

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Speaking of visual matching, try to integrate this deck into the broader image. In the images below, the deck was built next to a brick wall so the owner chose to paint it in brick-red so the final décor gets chromatic unity.

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At the end, here are some more images showing some other wood pallet deck ideas, so you can bring your yard or garden extra practical and aesthetic value.

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Sources: Palletsideas.com, Goodshomedesign.com, Pinterest.com, 1001pallets.com

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