What You Can Do With Old Bulbs – Five Smart Craft Ideas
There’s probably no other item with a greater fluctuation in a home than a bulb. They burn without any notice beforehand and we then throw them away with no remorse. But since human imagination knows no boundaries, if someone had told us that a burnt bulb can serve many other practical purposes than the one it was primarily created for we would have raised the brows in disbelief. But as a solid proof for this, here are five inspiring tips for what you can do with old bulbs, as seen on Rd.com.
And since we’re after nature all the time, let’s bring a bit of it into our homes. A burnt bulb turned into a terrarium may seem a hard to believe idea but it is possible indeed. It just takes a little patience and the small green pocket comes to life swiftly. Basically, the whole process comes down to removing the metal tip from the bottom of the bulb. You just need needle-nose pliers and a flat-head screwdriver. You may also need to wear protective gloves and glasses in the unlikely case the bulb breaks in your hand.
Pour sand into the bulb through the newly created hole at the bottom, add moss and decorate with tillandsia and reindeer moss. Position them by using chopsticks are long tweezers. Do not cover the hole because tillandsia, for instance, gets all the nutrients, including water, from the atmosphere. Put adhesive silicone bumpers on the side of the bulb to keep it steady and your new original decorative object is ready.

What you can do with old bulbs – a beautiful terrarium
Since we mentioned decorations, then bring a little color and shapes into your home by painting a bulb and turning it into a bumblebee. Kids will love it, but keep it away from them.

What you can do with old bulbs – decorative objects
By following the same steps in the small terrarium building process, turn a small bulb into a mini-pot you can hang anywhere, by using a thin string tied to the socket.

What you can do with old bulbs – a small flower pot
For a truly romantic atmosphere, make your old light bulb glow again by turning it into an oil lamp, spreading not only light, but also fragrances.

What you can do with old bulbs – light and scent
And, finally, since we mentioned small flower pots, then bring the old bulb closer to nature again and turn into a vase. You can easily build a support base out of a wire and get another interesting looking decorative object.

What you can do with old bulbs – small vases