Trees That Bloom Yellow Flowers
Nature is a continuous show of shapes, colors and odors which fascinates us day by day, regardless of the season. We’ve seen how trees with red leaves catch our eye by making a strong contrast against the overall green background. This time we’re looking at another interesting contrast that trees that bloom yellow flowers create, a new colorful accent in your gardens which will end up showing like a genuine mosaic. Below are some species of trees that bloom yellow flowers:
The first on our list is Acacia dealbata, a large bushy shrub or spreading tree usually growing 1.5-10 m tall, but occasionally reaching up to 30 m in height. Its yellow or golden-yellow flowers are borne in small globular clusters that are arranged into larger elongated compound clusters. It is ideal to be planted in spring so the roots will settle firmly before winter arrives.

Trees that bloom yellow flowers – Acacia dealbata
Another tree in this category is the witch hazel. The abundance of pale yellow fall flowers that accompanies the foliage comes as a wonderful late-season surprise. The deceptively fragile-looking blossoms that appear near the end of October seem to keep winter at bay for weeks. This tree also impresses with its changing color foliage, going from green to yellow and sometimes red.

Trees that bloom yellow flowers – Witch hazel
Cassia bicapsularis is next. While other trees are preparing for winter, butterfly bush is just waking up. This sprawling, semi-evergreen shrub, reaching a height of up to 3.5 m with an equal spread, produces blossoms in fall that resemble golden butterflies. Bright yellow flowers appear at a time of year when little else is in bloom. This plant has a place in any sunny landscape.

Trees that bloom yellow flowers – Cassia bicapsularis
Laburnum is another yellow flower blooming tree which also goes by the name of golden chain tree, spreading across Southern Europe all the way to the Balkan Peninsula. These trees have yellow pea-flowers in pendulous racemes 10–30 cm long in spring, which makes them very popular garden trees.

Trees that bloom yellow flowers – Laburnum
Tipuana or the Pride of Bolivia which is a large and quick-growing tree, up to 16017 meters in height, with rough bark on its main trunk. It produces masses of yellow pea-shaped flowers during summer which are rich in nectar, attracting a myriad of pollinators.

Trees that bloom yellow flowers – Pride of Bolivia