Treating Outdoor Wood In Easy Steps

Wood is a material provided by nature in abundance and which can take exciting forms inside and outside our homes. But as any other natural material, be it softwood or hardwood, wood eventually surrenders to external enemies such as water, insects and especially fire. To prolong its life, especially if we talk about outdoor wood structures, wood should be treated to become waterproof, fireproof and repel insects, the last including protection against fungus and decay. More details about treating outdoor wood can be found in the following article.

We’ll start with the treatment against the main enemy of wood, namely fire. By fireproofing, wood increases its resistance to burning. But you should bear in mind that the treatment does not convert wood into a completely fireproof material, a goal impossible to achieve as long as we are talking about an organic material. Fireproofing has the main purpose of triggering a significant lag in burning so that, in such an unfortunate situation, you have plenty of time to react and prevent a full-blown fire. Important to note, too, is that embers originated from a fireproofed timber can be put off more easily as well.

You can find many professional fire retardant solutions in shops so it is recommended you turn to a specialist for the best effects. The best results are obtained by soaking the wood in such solutions, ideally doing it before any structure assembly. If the wood is already part of a structure, try spraying or applying the solution with a brush.

Because if there’s no fire, then it is water, waterproofing is just as important. Regardless of the essence, wood absorbs water in both its liquid form, resulting from rainfall, or as vapors in the atmospheric moisture. Absorbing water, wood swells and changes its dimensions, going through the same state when it dries, consequently, any wooden structure, especially outdoor structures, being exposed to serious damage. Besides the wood protection itself, waterproofing also preserve other treatments applied to protect the wood. Besides commercial products, a handy option is the linseed oil that is applied in several layers.

Using wood in constructions means using producer treated wood. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to do this treatment yourselves to get rid of eggs or larvae cavities. The most effective option is heating wood at 60 degrees Celsius for half an hour or boiling it in a steam bath, both efficient solutions to kill those intruders. Apply insecticide treatments later, but also against other pests, such as fungi and mold.


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