Tips for cleaning your carpets. How to remove difficult stains

Despite your best efforts to keep everything in your home clean, your carpets will always be the victims of various accidents and they are magnet for hard to remove stains, from spills to the dirt from your shoes. Here are 10 tips for cleaning your carpets from an expert.

Mark Tarbox, the owner of Best Carpet Cleaning Experts in San Antonio, Texas, reveals the right ways to deal with various stains on your carpet, for

1. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Blot the stains, don’t rub them

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Slowly blot the stain with cleaning solution and a cloth or a sponge to soak it. Apply the cleaning solution from the exterior of the stain towards its center. Don’t rub to spread the dirt.

2. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Club soda or vinegar

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Club soda is efficient in removing wine or beer stains. Blot the area with a cloth dipped in club soda. You can also try using a solution made of one part water, one part vinegar, spraying it on the stain. Let it soak in for 10 – 15 minutes and then press with a sponge the area removing both the solution and the stain. You may have to repeat this process until the stain disappears.

3. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Shaving cream

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It’s efficient for almost any type of stain. Apply regular shaving cream on the stain and let soak for about 30 minutes. Then clean all by blotting with a clean white cloth. Afterwards spray the water-vinegar solution and clean with a cloth.

4. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Chewing gum

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If there is gum in your carpet it’s best to freeze it with some ice cubes for about 30 minutes. Then, with a spoon, lift the dried chewing gum so you can cut the strands of the carpet as close to the gum as possible with small scissors. If the affected area isn’t large, the cut shouldn’t be noticeable.

5. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Grease

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Mix one or two drops of grease-cutting dishwashing detergent in a cup of water and spray on the grease stain. Blot with a cloth. You may have to repeat the process this time as well, especially for larger stains.

6. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Wax

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If you spilled wax on the carpet, it’s recommended to heat it before removing it. Cover the wax stain with a white cloth or a towel then put the iron over it, set at medium temperature. You will be able to easilly remove the wax with a butter knife. If there are still bits of wax on the carpet, cover the affected area with a paper towel and repeat the ironing. All the wax will stick to the paper.

7. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Blood

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Use hydrogen peroxide to remove the blood stains from your carpet. Firstly blot the stain with a cloth soaked in a mixture of water and mild detergent and clean as much as you can. Then pour hydrogen peroxide on the remaining stain. The solution will immediately foam in contact with the blood. Dab with a towel to dry off.

8. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Pets

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For cat or dog urine it’s recommended to use organic cleaners, not chemicals. Spray onto the strain, rub and then dry with cloth or a towel.

9. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Candy

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Smashed candy on the carpet must be removed with a butter knife. Then clean the area using a sponge soaked in water mixed with a mild soap until all the sugar is removed. Remaining sugar in the strands will attract new dirt.

10. Tips for cleaning your carpets. Deep-clean regularly


Twice a year use the steam cleaner that will thoroughly clean the carpet. The cleaning solution is deeply injected into the carpet, then it is extracted along with all the dirt.

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