16 Stone And Flower Garden Design Ideas

Stone, we’ve said it before, brings extra fine texture, accents and contrasts into a garden, beautifully highlighting the natural landscape. It can create visible borders, helping the space divide into more areas or can be part of natural arrangements for a final original and savory landscape. All these being said, here are some stone and flower garden design ideas to bring consistency into the discussion and help you turn your back yard into a very special place.

Stone is the best option you have to divide the garden into several sectors, which with its own natural specific. Besides the aesthetic role, stone also prevents weeds from expanding into the flower or veggie beds.

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A small corner just for yourselves where to enjoy nature to the fullest. Stone comes in a simple shape of a double border lined by flower beds, but also in a more sophisticated blend, as the floor of this small, but elegant outdoor terrace.

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A raised corner of the garden and bordered by a stone wall again. It looks like a genuine natural fortress in which flowers of different colors and silhouettes took refuge to delight the eye of the beholder.

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Again a terrace framed by natural stone, simply arranged, yet so captivating. The next image shows another fortress of nature with a second defense wall, a white wooden fence which seems to stratify this rich décor.

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Create several oases across the garden, colorful focal points lined with natural stone, but featuring a series of other accessories from the same material: amphorae, garden fountains and unique flower planters.

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If you have a garden on a sloping piece of land, then layering the terrain by mans of stone slab stairs and big boulders seems a perfect idea. The image gets the air of genuine natural landscape where humans hardly intervened.

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A superb landscape where stone again plays the central role, in so many different shapes and structures: slabs, a wall and a gravel alley, besides a similar ornamental boulder. Nature manages to crawl in the middle of this stone décor.

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At the end, several other images that perfectly describe the harmonious flower and stone symbiosis, for a diverse and refined garden.

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Sources: Decoist.com, Houzz.com, Pinterest.com

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