Scrap Wood Decorated House – Dynamic Patterns
We have often seen so far various ways to reuse wood, whether pallets, logs or finished items such as old doors or window frames. In an era when we keep a close eye on the surrounding nature, such projects are welcome thanks to their environmental impact, while also helping us save some money. Today we will take a look at a whole new idea that comes from Israel, where the owner of a contemporary style house chose to decorate part of the facades and interior walls with scrap wood. Here is more in a description coming via
This is the covered porch that can be accessed from the art studio. One can rest here or read a book or just enjoy the views around it. It has two wooden chairs in it and a small square table. It would be nice to stay in this area especially on a relaxing summer afternoon. Also seen here is a wooden planter box that contains plants on it to bring a refreshing feel in the area.

Scrap wood decorated house – dynamic shapes, patterns, contrasts and colors
One look at this will give you the idea that this is indeed an art studio because of all the items in here. On the wall, there are also floating shelves where paint brushes, paint and other things that the artist needs are being stored. You can also see here the outdoor area which also has scrap wood for the walls and ceiling. Because of that look, the bookshelf on the wall seems camouflaged as it appears to blend with the colors of the walls. There is also a creative decor on the side that resembles a dried a plant.
The art studio can be accessed through a glass door that features a blue wooden rocking chair. You can see here the art works that the owner has been working on. And even if we really can’t see clearly, it is obvious that these are magnificent works of art. Also seen here is a long working table and a chair.

Scrap wood decorated house – the colorful exterior walls trickle inside