Rustic Wood Fences – A Pastoral Atmosphere
We all still have the memory of our grandparents’ property surrounding fences, made of whitewashed boards, branches or wattle. The fences would look different from house to house and, here and there, they would expose a villager’s social status. As children, we were so fascinated by these borders between properties and that challenged us to jump over them. Below are several rustic wood fences to revive those childhood memories:
An image familiar to us: a simple fence, made of different sized time withered boards and which enclose a vegetable garden. Here and there, some climbing plants bring some vitality to the image.

Rustic wood fences – old fence and climbing plants
Since we are used to recycling and repurposing old objects, then a garden surrounded by a rustic fence can only use such an old door turned gate.

Rustic wood fences – old door turned new gate
Again different sized and shaped boards tied together by barbed wire give the final shape to a small, but sturdy fence.

Rustic wood fences – simple, but sturdy
A fence built from wood logs is always a beautiful sight, especially if raised near a stone house, like in the image below. It can be easily built to become a durable barrier on your property.

Rustic wood fences – log fence
A beautiful house, with a simple gate and fence. The combination may surprise, but the image below contradicts the expectations. It may be true that the rustic fence is eclipsed by the beautiful colonial style house in the background.

Rustic wood fences – a discreet fence
Again a simple rustic fence, made of same size boards, but with a certain dash of personality given by the lamps at the top of the gate posts. The stones marking the entry into the garden come to complete the rustic landscape.

Rustic wood fences – headlamps on the gate posts
The branches of a tree used for other construction purposes can also make a fine rustic fence. In some cases, the round logs can also discreetly mark the limit of a property. Note the chromatic harmony in the image below in which the fence seems to be the natural extension of the house.

Rustic wood fences – simple solutions to mark the property limits