Plant Decorating Ideas – Tasteful Nature
It’s not enough to place or hand a couple of flower pots around the room to bring extra vitality to indoor spaces. Houseplants can do more than that by turning into the central elements of interior decorations radiating taste, natural beauty, energy and good spirits. To exemplify all these having been said, here are a few plant decorating ideas which will turn your indoor spaces in captivating rooms in which nature seems to take over. These are simple ideas, but full of visual effects, suggested by home design and gardening specialists quoted by Daily Telegraph.
Since winter is on its way, move a bit of nature inside and give it a central spot. There’s nothing more invigorating than a green corner arranged in a simple manner, but replete with exuberance. What you see below are a couple of old olive oil tins which, combined with other decorative elements, can shape up a final picture which will make a fine accent inside your homes.

Plant decorating ideas – some old olive oil tins can make the difference
Any of such original containers can make someone turn the head with curiosity. For instance, this wooden box which once carried French wine bottles has turned into a savory pot in which any plants, from bulbs to small shrubs can live together to delight the look of the beholders.

Plant decorating ideas – wood boxes and crates as original containers
If you happen to have any cacti around the place, then take advantage of their decorative potential and use some old lanterns to turn the pots into genuine ornaments, especially when placed near a fireplace.

Plant decorating ideas – cacti lanterns
Another ingenious way to bring a dull room back to life is by decorating its walls, not anyhow, but using small dots of nature. In this case, the moss was boxed up inside picture frames and then hung on the walls. It is an option at hand since moss only has to be kept moist.

Plant decorating ideas – live pictures on the walls
But if you want more than that, you can create a micro eco-system, using ferns, cacti, succulents such as aloe vera, moss covered stones and various terrariums. The image emanates a lot of unspoiled beauty and can make a fine choice for any room, even the bathroom, where humidity is higher.
Plant decorating ideas – a small eco-system