Perennial Flowers For Borders – Visual Gardens
A garden gets extra interesting and pleasant accents if you divide it into visual layers so that a multi-color surface lies before us, in a succession of shapes and hues full of charm. Ranging from alleys of different designs and materials, original garden accessories or natural borders for a plus f vitality and contrast, the garden is a space which can easily accommodate many solutions for a visual diversity. To inspire you, here are some perennial flowers for borders, giving the green space a bit of more dynamism.
A first option is the blanket flower whose name comes from the fact it makes a uniform surface of colors across a field. The plant is a drought- and heat-tolerant perennial wildflower that provides long-lasting color in a sunny border with poor soil. In red, gold, or brown, its daisy-like, single or double perennial flowers bloom through the summer and into the fall. Although often short-lived, it is easy to grow and will flower the first year from seed.

Perennial flowers for borders – the blanket flower
Veronica also makes it on the list of flowers making fine borders in the garden. It cluster blueish-violet flowers are easy to spot visual guide marks among so many other plants in the garden thanks to its towering spikes. Experts recommend to plant these perennial flowers at the front of the bed.

Perennial flowers for borders – Veronica
Draw some natural lines across the garden using blue hydrangea, a plant with big, sky blue flowers that are absolutely breathtaking. Get your big leaf hydrangeas to turn clear, sky blue by increasing the acidity of the soil. It grows well in morning sun and afternoon shade with moist, well-drained soil that’s rich in organic matter.

Perennial flowers for borders – blue hydrangea
And since we mentioned flowers that bloom in beautiful clusters, then delphinium is another choice, a little demanding plant with blue flowers, growing well in a dry environment. Flowers can grow up to a 2 meter height at the top of the stem, with colors ranging from white, pink, red, blue and purple, depending on the climate, highlighting an alley in your garden (the opening picture, too)

Perennial flowers for borders – delphinium
And, finally, in a perfect combination of color and shape, the foxglove comes in a variety of 20 hues which will definitely personalize your garden. Grow different species for a border full of contrasts and originality.

Perennial flowers for borders – foxglove