How to make a delicious sweet bread for Christmas

It seems hard to believe, but another year has gone by. As usual, we were wondering what we’d done this year and how it went so fast. But we’re backto reality in a split second because a delicious smell is in the air. Or at least we start thinking about the dishes we want to prepare for the holidays. If as far as the main courses are concerned, they are different from one household to another, as far as dessert is concerned, the sweet bread is undeprived. A breakfast consisting of a glass of milk and a slice of sweet bread hasalready become an unwritten rule of Christmas.
Today we will not talk about recipes, but we will instead share some secrets that only housewives know. So read on if you want to know how to make the best sweet bread for Christmas. In the end, don’t forget to tell us how many of the below you knew, but also what are your tricks to get fluffy and tasty desserts for Christmas.

How to make a delicious sweet bread for Christmas

  • Before you prepare the dough for it, make sure it is warm in the kitchen and, especially, that all the ingredients you are going to use are at room temperature. For example, if you use eggs just removed from the refrigerator or cold milk, they will prevent the dough cake from growing fluffy and evenly;
  • It is advisable to heat a little milk when preparing the yeast, but be careful that it is not hot because  it will lose much of its properties;
  • If you want a fluffy sponge cake, use fat milk and, if you want, add a few tablespoons of condensed milk. Fat will help sugar and yeast to grow, and you will have a cake as fluffy as you see in commercials (only healthier);
  • If you want to increase the amount of fat in dough, add a tablespoon of fat cream or clean lard;
  • Before you make the composition for the stuffing, boil the walnut using a little hot milk. In this way you will get rid of the bitter taste of the nutmeg;
  • Before you add eggs to the dough, rub them with a little salt. This will enhance the color, and the cakes will be more beautiful;
  • It is advisable to use only chicken eggs because the duck or goose eggs are far too dense and will not let the dough grow fluffy;
  • Another effective trick is not to open the oven door in the first 20 minutes (the cakes will grow more);
  • Last but not least, not to burn the cakes, put baking paper greased with oil, in the baking trays.
Last tip? Enjoy your cake with your loved ones!



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