How To Reuse Magazines – Seven Inspired Ideas
We’ve seen many times so far imagination and creativity know no borders. Old objects get new shapes and purposes in our homes, something we could have hardly imagined without a sprinkling of imagination. This time, too, we will take a look at some items which often lie around and end up in the trash bin without getting any chance to go through the above-mentioned metamorphosis. Below are a few suggestions showing you how to reuse old magazines, some easy to carry out ideas which will change indoor spaces.
A painting hanging on the wall and which passes as an authentic canvas and not a DIY collage made out of old magazines. An original presence in any of the rooms which will surely draw attention. Below are several others suggestions, including 3D work.

How to reuse magazines – original canvases on the wall
A colorful purse which will not go unnoticed among your partner’s friends. She will arguably be grateful for this mosaic of colors and patterns which lend a dash of personality.

How to reuse magazines – a colorful purse
If you aren’t crazy about this idea of cutting up your magazine pages, try piling them and belting them together to make your own stool, as seen in the image below. A plywood base with castors attached and you get a useful item which can go anywhere inside the dwelling.

How to reuse magazines – stools for the dynamic people
Since there’s no house which shouldn’t have at least a potted flower, give the container a bit of color and interesting accent by putting it on a recycled magazine plant stand. You can use the stand in many other situations, like highlighting a picture on a working desk.

How to reuse magazines – flower pot stand
A basket you can use to keep little things together, such as hair clips, is always useful at home. Make one out of old magazines you are about to throw away and you will it is worth the efforts and the scrupulosity.

How to reuse magazines – a beautiful basket
And since we mentioned storage spaces, then let’s extend them and get some larger baskets which go well in any room. The pictures below are telling enough to get the idea of how to make them.

How to reuse magazines – generous storage spaces
And even easier to craft, a couple of colorful envelopes which will bring a smile on the recipient’s face. Even though their time is fading away, a nice classy style surprise will always impress.

How to reuse magazines – old, but tasteful fashion