How To Make Rustic Wood Furniture
Wood is a perennial topic when it comes to houses, annexes, furniture, interior accessories etc. Accessible, friendly, easy to handle and process, wood brings nature into our homes, but also brings us closer to it by making us aware of environmental related problems. No matter what its place is inside, wood makes us warmer and friendlier, just the way it is. We will further look at how to make rustic wood furniture which will bring your home an extra touch of originality and personality.
There are countless options here, but we have chosen those which, aesthetically, look better than other DIY items of furniture. The first option is a log table and stools which look great, personalizing every home, even though they may require some work.

How to make rustic wood furniture – log table and stools
But logs can take a more elegant shape, such as this armchair in the image below, or a rustic looking chair. A lounge chair is ideal, inside or outside, on the porch, if you find the right log to carve. Last, but not least, a rocking chair is always an option within reach.

How to make rustic wood furniture – elegant armchair
Wood and glass- an ideal combination for an original final product. The glass seems to highlight the aesthetic qualities of the wood, as we can see in the images below showing two side tables, simple, yet so elegant.

How to make rustic wood furniture – wood and glass
Using a single log, you can build a small bookshelf which you can easily place in every corner of the house. With their African statues looking silhouette, the pieces bring extra natural beauty to the rooms.

How to make rustic wood furniture – bookshelves
A bathroom which is visually focused around the wood logs – simple, yet so spectacular! The wood and the mirror enhancing the natural light create a final image replete with harmony, which relaxes the eyes.

How to make rustic wood furniture – log centered bathroom
A log made bed is an option of choice for those who want to make their own furniture. gives practical details about how to build one. In brief, the bed can be built based on the 4-4-4 system, namely: use four vigorous logs that will serves as the support posts, another four that will form the headboard and the footboard and four beams that will be the side rails connecting the four posts. Other logs (the number depends on the size of the bed) will be the rails of the two boards while other longer logs will make up the lower side of the box bed, the one that the mattress will be put on. Before starting to build, draw the plan on a piece of paper so you know where to drill holes and how many. The bed can be then put together by joining the beams and squeezing them into the holes.

How to make rustic wood furniture – log beds