How To Care For Ivy Geranium

For those seeking to embellish balconies or patios, ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum) are the perfect choice. The plant produces orb-shaped clusters of brightly colored blooms while supplying dense foliage that fills out pots and hanging baskets all the way from spring to autumn. These tender perennials often are grown as potted plants or garden annuals. With proper care, an ivy geranium can provide a summer of lush flowering and sometimes survive in storage to blossom the next year. Here is more on how to care for ivy geranium, as seen on

For a start, plant an ivy geranium in a well-draining garden bed that receives full sunshine for most of the day but light shade in afternoon. Place a potted ivy geranium in an outdoor location that receives similar light conditions or indoors near a window that receives full, all-day sunlight. Plant an ivy geranium outdoors only after temperatures are above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius).

Before transplanting the plant, pinch back an ivy geranium’s growing stems immediately, or pinch back the plant’s growing stems before it begins to produce flower buds if it is a potted plant. Pinch back each stem to the first or second leaf set from the top of the stem. Pinching back the stems improves flowering and encourages bushier growth.

Water a garden ivy geranium once or twice each week, providing about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water weekly. Water a potted ivy geranium when its top 1 inch of soil feels dry. Ivy geraniums require moderate soil moisture and cannot tolerate completely dry or overly wet soil.

Mix a soluble fertilizer formulated for flowering plants into the geranium’s irrigation water every two weeks, using the rate recommended on the fertilizer label. Water the plant with fertilizer solution to provide necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

Cut off old flowers as soon as they wilt. Cut off the stems within 1/4 inch of the topmost set of leaves. Prompt flower removal encourages more blooms.

Store a potted ivy geranium plant indoors before the first fall frost. Place it in a dark, cool location, such as a basement. Water it sparingly so its soil doesn’t dry completely after the plant becomes dormant. In spring, about eight weeks before the last spring frost, place the plant in a well-lit area and resume watering it regularly.

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