Growing Lavender in Pot for Its Exotic Aspect and Not Only

Lavender is a perennial shrub grown for the smell and therapeutical qualities of its flowers, from which oil is extracted to be used in the perfume, cosmetics and natural remedies industries. But there are plenty of reasons for growing lavender in pot. It looks pretty, with its violet, delicate flowers and, beyond the nice, soothing smell it can spread around your house, it also keeps away mosquitoes, flies, moths and fleas. This is how to care for it indoors.

The pot

It’s important that the pot you choose have a wide opening, that allows seedlings to fully develop. The adult plant needs a pot with a diameter of approximately 18 inches. Moreover, considering that lavender has a taproot, it needs a high enough pot for it to develop appropriately. So the pot’s height should be at least 15 – 16 inches.

Growing lavender in pot. Soil

The soil for lavender has to be dried and rich in calcar, like the one in dry, hilly-mountain areas. Lavender can’t stand and ends up dying in heavy, moist soils with too much sand. To ensure good drainage, mix the soil with fine gravel and place around 0.4 – 0.8 inches of gravel on the bottom of the pot. The soil also has to be alkaline, with a pH of 7 – 8. To obtain the right pH, mix the soil with some ground egg shells.


The perfect spot for lavender is the sunniest you can find. It’s also good to protect the plant from draught, so a good spot would be on a balcony, porch, by a fence or wall. If it sits in the ideal microclimate, it will bloom sooner than the lavender in the fields.

Growing lavender in pot. Watering

Lavender thrives in drought conditions, so don’t water it too often. Watering it two – three times a week is more than enough. Water drained on the plate should be removed, in less than 30 minutes, even in summer.


For a healthy growth, you need to remove the dry branches from the plant. You can use them to freshen up your clothes in your dresser, stored in a cloth bag. After the blooming period, in August, trim the bush with scissors, cutting at least one third of its height.


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