DIY projects using old tires
We live in a world where cities begin to be populated by cars, their number increasing from year to year. It is statistically proven that in this context, every human throws away an old rubber each year, which means over six billion old tires in total. Few know that one can turn to DIY projects using old tires and so can turn a piece of junk, for many an object that is only destined to become garbage, into a useful object in the household. Below are a few such ideas which came up with:
First, as the attached photo suggests, some tires stacked one upon another and painted in a creative manner can be used as a decorative element in the garden or in the playground. It can be easily attached supporting elements for gardening tools.
Since we mentioned children, outdoor play equipment is quite expensive. Not if we use our imagination and transform some used tires into a playing platform. Such DIY projects using old tires save money and turn out to be of an ingenious utility. Paint them in bright colors and build a climbing area for children. Make sure they are fixed together to prevent accidents.
Many ideas for DIY projects using old tires
A pot of flowers from a used rubber … hard to believe, easy to do. The only effort involved is the rubber cutting action to give the pot-to-be an appealing shape. After that paint them and finally get some decorative pots for the garden and the veranda. If you use different sized tires then the visual effect is even stronger.

DIY projects using old tires – a friend in the garden
Among other DIY projects using old tires is child totter, especially for a few years old children. All you need is a tire, a board and a few accessories. The rubber should be cut in half, painted the same color with the board (not necessarily) to which are attached two handles. The rubber is fixed to the board through another smaller pieces of timber, as seen in the attached picture.

DIY projects using old tires – kids will love them
But leaving children aside for a while, one can turn an old rubber into an object of relaxation for the adults as well. Using a piece of plywood cut into a round shape and then a pillow to the size of the tire, you can get a stool that you use on those days when you do a backyard barbecue.

DIY projects using old tires – stool for the barbecue
DIY projects using old tires do not only concern exterior design. They can be easily converted into stools for the interior as well, especially if they are wrapped in a rope fabric for a more elegant look. For those with rich imagination and not too demanding in terms of interior design, a used tire can easily serve as a coffee table in the living room.

DIY projects using old tires – coffee table