A Paper Christmas Tree – Creative Holidays
The ornamental options for the winter holidays are countless and we’ve only seen a small part of them. Imagination and creativity join forces to give birth to accessories full of color and personality which will definitely boost the holiday spirit in your homes. Our attention has been drawn by this DIY project which is the shortest way to an original accessory, a paper Christmas tree, making a fine presence in any corner of the home. Here is more on this great idea, as seen on Brit.co
It is an equally simple and efficient project which will create a small visual focal point in your home which guests will not fail to notice. So prepare to inspire others as well. To get there, you only need wrapping paper, rainbow and purple garland paper, gold rosette, scissors and tape. But you can use plenty of other materials that you have within reach, as long as they make a fine chromatic match. It is preferable to use shades of green for a somewhat authentic looking paper tree. But in the end, feel free to play with colors and shapes as you wish.

A paper Christmas tree – cut strips of paper and glue them to the wall
Just make sure your paper Christmas tree will decorate an empty wall or at least a visible one which will make the craft stand out as you go into the room. Start by cutting strips of paper and taping them into loops, as you see in the images below. The project described here uses 11 loops for the first row. As you go up, subtract one strip each time you make a new layer. Should you have more space available, again, make the best use of it.
Glue the paper loops to the wall and, as you get to the top, add a paper made star or a rosette, as seen in these images. As the tree catches shape, don’t forget to dress it by draping it in a paper garland. Use any other idea for that, even tinsel. Place some presents below the wall tree for an authentic Christmas atmosphere and don’t hesitate to show others that the Christmas tree can also take artificial forms bursting with simple beauty.

A paper Christmas tree – play with shapes and colors for an authentic decoration