10 shade tolerant flowers
In a previous article, dedicated to beginner gardening tips, we recommend that one of the first things to be learned in the garden is the location of the sun exposed areas and those who stay in the shade. Depending on these two criteria, you can choose plants that fit each of the two areas in the garden. And if you have this shady corner your garden, then you should know that with a little effort and some imagination you can turn it into a place full of life. Below we present you ten shade tolerant flowers:
Astilbe (the opening image) is such a plant that grows in the shade, with fern like leaves and flowers rich and dense. It blooms in June-July and is a perennial plant. There are 25 species of astilbe, with flowers whose colors vary from white to dark purple.
Fuchsia is considered one of the most shade tolerant flowers. It is also one of the most colorful flowers. In warm areas fuchsia grows in the garden, but in a temperate climate it can be often found in pots. It only needs shade and moist soil to bloom all summer.

Shade tolerant flowers – fuchsia
Snowdrops and other bulbous plants that can be easily planted in the shade, under trees or in the bushes.

Shade tolerant flowers – snowdrops
Impatiens are among other shade tolerant flowers. The plant which, in the folk tradition, brings joy and fruit in the house, blooms from spring to autumn and loves shady and moist places. It is very easy to grow and maintain.

Shade tolerant flowers – impatiens
Forget me not is another plant that loves dark places. The name hails from medieval Germany where many men have blue eyes and women used to wear these flowers as a way to remember their beloved.

Shade tolerant flowers – forget me not
List of shade tolerant flowers continue with the Siberian iris. With colorful flowers, blue sapphire looking, these plants will certainly catch the eye. It is recommended to be planted as a background border for a great visual effect in the garden.

Shade tolerant flowers – Siberian iris
Wild violets, with heart-shaped leaves, can be grown in pots or in the ground, preferably around trees where their rich colors easily stand out.

Shade tolerant flowers – wild violets
Hydrangea grows well in the garden if placed in a shaded area and, depending on the soil, the blooms can change the color from blue to pink. In addition to being easy to grow, they are also resistant to various pests.

Shade tolerant flowers – hydrangea
Lamb’s ear is another shade loving plant. Its name comes from the shape of leaves that resemble a lamb’s ear and, experts say, these soft wooly leaf plants can be used as band-aid for healing wounds, as in the case of a bee sting.

Shade tolerant flowers – lamb’s ear
Last in the series of shade tolerant flowers is the hellebore, popularly known as winter rose or Christmas rose. It is a plant that grows in Romania at an over 500 meters altitude and has many healing properties, being used, for instance, in treating dormant forms of cancer.

Shade tolerant flowers – hellebore
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