How to get clean white socks without bleach

Undoubtedly, white clothes and accessories are the hardest to maintain clean. It’s like every time you wear a white shirt, you spill coffee on it. So often you’ve probably chosen either to throw your white socks away or bleach them. And since it is obviously not an option to buy a new pair of socks, to wear them only one time, today we present you two methods in which you can clean your white socks without using bleach.


How to get clean white socks without bleach

For the first method you need a large pot, lemon and water. The first step is to fill the pot up to half and let the water boil. After, add some lemon slices. Then put the dirty socks in the water with the lemon and let them boil for a few minutes. The next step is to remove them and wash them normally with water and detergent. If you haven’t cleaned all traces of dirt, repeat the process.

How to get clean white socks without bleach

For the second method you need a boal, cold water and salt or baking soda. The night before you wash them, soften the socks in the boal with the water in which you added either a handful of salt or baking soda. Another way is that you can use the sodium bicarbonate for stains –  add it to your usual detergent or make a paste of water and baking soda and apply it locally on the stained areas. Let the pasta act for a few hours then wash the clothes in the washing machine.

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