Six Alternative Uses For Tea Bags

We are convinced the life of a tea bag is so short, ending when the infusion it directly participates in also ends. Well, the reality is a bit different and as a consequence, here are some unknown or supplementary uses for tea bags, either before or after we use them to make tea. So here are some alternative uses for tea bags in a series of very useful tips coming via

As we said, do not throw them away. Once you’ve brewed your cup of tea, you can re-use the bag to flavor other foods. Hang the pre-brewed bags into a pot of water while it comes to a boil to flavor the water, remove use tea bags, then add your pasta, rice, or other grains. Try jasmine or chamomile tea with rice, green tea with pasta, Chai or cinnamon spice tea with oatmeal.

Brew again used bags in a bucket of water and use the resulting weak tea to water your plants and protect them from fungal infections. Alternately, open up used tea bags and sprinkle the damp leaves around the base of your plants to fertilize the soil and deter garden pests like mice. You can also add previously-brewed tea bags to your compost pile for a boost of nutrients.

Tea is also great for removing lingering odors from your home. Mix dried used tea leaves into cat litter. Store pre-brewed tea bags in the refrigerator to keep it smelling fresh. Drop a few dry used tea bags into the bottom of your trash bins to neutralize bad smells before they can escape into your kitchen.

In the same context, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to dry used tea bags to create air fresheners for your home, office, or vehicle. Since most tea bags come with a string built in, hanging them is a snap. Once the oil wears off, simply add a few more drops to refresh. Also, because tea leaves absorb odors, these creative homemade air fresheners will work double-time to keep your living areas smelling great!

Mind that mice don’t particularly like the smell of tea. Tuck used tea bags into cupboards, pantries, and in any areas where these pests may enter your home to make them think twice about coming inside. For added protection, try saturating the bags with peppermint essential oil. Not only will this further deter pesky rodents, it will also repel a variety of other household pests like spiders and ants, while at the same time making your home smell minty fresh!

Finally, soak your dishes in warm water with a couple of used tea bags to break up grease without the application of harsh chemicals. The tea will also help to loosen any stuck on food and save you from the endless scrubbing.

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