Two bedroom house plans

A two-bedroom house is an inspired choice for a family with a child or a young couple who want to purchase their first home together. In the following rows, three examples of two-bedroom houses:

Two bedroom house plans

The first example is one that would suit a modern family, open to daring ideas. The access marked by modern lines drawn vertically and sideways, and the staircase, framed in a well-highlighted volume by glazing, lead to the idea of modern design, cubist. The surfaces treated as a whole and the contrast of the materials provide an attractive architectural image. The living area is complemented by a terrace that can provide the desired comfort for dining or meditation.

Two bedroom house plans

The second model a house offers, through the simple, convenient and practical design, a sober treatment of volumetriei and an attractive aspect from the point of view of the alternating color. With relatively small size, the house provides the comfort that any young and dynamic family can want.

Two bedroom house plans

The third example offers a sobriety in treating volumetriei and a provocative aesthetic through the lines of contemporary architectural approach, with a good support from the glazed surfaces. The house offers a comfortable space for relaxation, with a functional solution that invites you to enjoy peaceful mornings or sunsets that exhort the reverie.

For more details about the price, as well as details of the materials used in the construction or the time to build the houses above, please consult the website.




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