The Rammed Earth Hacienda – Style And Comfort
We usually associate an earth made house, regardless of the technique used to build it, with a low social status. Fortunately, this architecture studio in Mexico is here to prove us wrong by clearly showing us earth can give rise to homes as impressive as those made of any other popular material. The rammed earth hacienda, built on one of the hills on the outskirts of the capital Mexico City, was awarded by a distinguished contemporary design website.
Borrowing from the traditional hacienda style design, the 1,500 square meter dwelling features courtyards around which living areas are constructed. The central courtyard is topped with a concrete roof which stretches out over a patio surrounded by desert landscape. The place is perfectly integrated into the surrounding arid environment.

The rammed earth hacienda – earth and wood, an aesthetic combination
The rammed-earth walls are made from soil excavated on site, saving the architects a great deal of money during construction. The nearly 20-inch thick, energy-saving walls are an ash hue thanks to natural pigments added to the soil. Heat from the sun is trapped within the walls, keeping the residents comfortable at night when temperatures drop, according to
Four main volumes make up the structure, featuring parota, or Guanacaste, wood floors, a combination of natural materials that impart elegance. Striking, full-length windows are surrounded by shutters of the same material, framing the scenery outside. At night, the house is lit Case Candelaria was one of the winners for Architizer’s 2016 A+Awards in the Private House category.

The rammed earth hacienda – perfectly integrated into the arid environment