The Castle on Wheels – Tiny Houses in Motion
We’ve seen many tiny houses, each with an interesting and inspiring story behind. But the project we’re about to present is unique (at least until this point of online research), fascinating and originating in the same human desire and drive to look for and find freedom in its purest form. The castle on wheels is the savory project of a couple from New Zeeland who wanted to take the tiny home concept to new heights. And they have fully achieved this goal!
You may not believe it unless you saw it with your own eyes – a regular truck unfolding into a castle in a minute. The first hint the vehicle is not what really seems are the two towers in the back. Once parked, the compact truck turns into a fantasy castle. The project is the brainchild of Jola and Justin, a couple who decided to take tiny-house living to the next level. They refurbished their truck into a castle, filling the interior with goodies that are both environmentally friendly and incredibly inventive, reeking of a fairy tale like atmosphere.

The castle on wheels – sleeping loft and balcony
The castle is entirely off-grid. It is solar powered, heats water through a mixture of solar panels on the roof, a wetback fire, and gas, and it captures rain water from the roof that is then stored in water tanks below the truck, according to
Inside the house is just as impressive with beautifully crafted living and working areas providing all the necessary comforts for this busy family. The kitchen has been created as the central feature of the home and the furniture there is made of recycled wood. All of the appliances are full-sized and the kitchen is a wonderful space for this family who love to cook.

The castle on wheels – inside the bedroom
The castle on wheels has a sleeping loft on top of it which opens into a deck or a balcony with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, a hammock, solar food dehydrator built into the roof, and even a roof-top bathtub. But the big surprise lies in the two towers at the back of the truck. One of them is home to a compost toilet while the second turret hides a shower and a washing machine.