Small Apartment Design Tips – Bring Space Under Control
Space, we’ve said it before, can be eventually subdued. Too small for your growing needs and pretentions, it can still be brought under full control by means of some interior design tricks which also feature colors, expanding its physical limits and turning small into big. Regardless of the size of the apartment, a proper organization can lead to plenty of space where to really feel at home. So here are some small apartment design tips coming via
The rules are basic and somehow easy to infer. If you have a small apartment, then get used to the idea that whatever you out in it, especially furniture, has to respect the proportions. Start furnishing the place with the central elements, such as beds or sofas in most of the cases, then take these as guiding points for the rest of the efforts. Use Murphy beds so that, by a single move, the whole room becomes available. Or turn to beds with built-in storage spaces so you won’t have to turn to dressers and so forth.

Small apartment design tips – let the bed take most of the space freeing role
Another rule, put simply, is to have a place for everything and then everything can go back in its place. In other words, get rid of the clutter. Use double purpose things, especially furniture, such as an ottoman with storage capacity. At the same time, go vertical in the interior design and, if necessary, go all the way up to the ceiling. Suspend, rather than take too much of the floor space. Consider built-ins and modular furniture systems that can be configured to fit your space wall-to-wall and floor-to ceiling and accommodate all your storage needs in one compact area.

Small apartment design tips – double role furniture and vertical approach
Use mirror faced dressers that help expand the space in a small room, especially if the place is flooded with natural light. Don’t be afraid to play with colors either because they have a role, too, in enlarging the space visually. White is always the first choice, of course, but note that other colors, such as dark brown glossy paint can have the same effect, in combination with accessories of lighter colors, yellow or orange. A dark floor against light colored walls and furniture can really make a place feel more spacious.

Small apartment design tips – light colors and natural light open any small space