How To Build An Outdoor Brick Oven
A garden, besides being the relaxation space of choice, should also take on a practical role in the household. If the surface allows you, build an outdoor brick oven, a process that will require a little physical effort indeed, but in the end it is worth every effort when the new accessory in your green space gathers family and friends around it. Besides different models of such outdoor brick ovens, here are some concise practical information about how to build one in your garden.
The oven may have different shapes, all depending only on your imagination and your preferences. Below we briefly present the steps you need to follow to build an oven, as seen on The first step is laying the foundation, usually from cement to accommodate the desired size of the oven, but only after you have chosen the right place to be located. Then comes the grate base, those walls that will actually support it. Autoclaved aerated concrete is an option at hand because it is cheaper and easier to handle, or engineering bricks.
In this case, the base was built in an L shape that allows better handling of the grill. For a more enjoyable, more rustic, the oven base built with AAC bricks may be covered with decorative brick. On top of the base pour the concrete slab that the oven itself will be placed on. You can use a wooden mold to shape the slab or use a metallic edge, as shown below, for a more appealing final look.
Then comes the actual construction of the furnace that can be raised in a classic form with three brick walls and a crescent shaped opening. For the front, it is advisable to use a polystyrene motherboard and build slowly, brick by brick. The exhaust chimney can also be built from brick, but also by joining two furnace elements available in the specialized stores.

The base

The iron edge frame to lay the countertop

How to build an outdoor brick oven – brick tiles over the AAC walls

How to build an outdoor brick oven – the final shape
For more inspiration, here are some outdoor oven ideas, with different designs, which require a different workload, depending on the complexity of construction.