Flowers that love full sun and heat
In a previous article, dedicated to beginner gardening tips, we recommend that one of the first things to be learned in the garden is the location of the sun exposed areas and those who stay in the shade. Depending on these two criteria, you can choose plants that fit each of the two areas in the garden. And while most of the garden typically stays in direct sun, then you should know you have a full range of flowers that love full sun and heat to plant around.
Marigolds are very versatile flowers since they enjoy full sun and hot days and grow well in dry or moist soil. This quality is one of the reasons that they are often used as bedding plants and container plants. Once marigold flowers are planted, they need very little care. If they are planted in the ground, you only need to water them if the weather has been very dry for more than two weeks.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – marigolds
Salvia (the opening picture) provides the gardener with a wide range of sights and smells, as there are many different types of salvia. Many colors are available from different types of salvia and these include blues, purples, pinks, reds as well as some whites and yellows. Important to note salvia attracts pollinating insects which is also good for your garden.
African daisy, as its name goes, is a plant originated in southern Africa and loves dry weather. Their flower heads usually have a contrasting ring of color around their central eye, such as white, pink, orange, yellow, and red.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – African daisy
Desert cacti feature some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. There are many varieties of cacti to pick from and about half of them can be grown in any average home. Give your cactus lots of sunlight, little water and wait for spring or summer.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – desert cacti
Lavender is well-known for its strong fragrance. This easy-care plant enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – lavender
Petunia is also among the flowers that love full sun and heat and can be easily grown in beds or in containers.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – petunia
Gazanias are perennial many color plants grown as an annual in harsher climates. The flowers close at night.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – gazanias
Sunflower could not be overlooked in this list. Growing up to 3 meters in height, this plant is a distinct natural ornament in tour garden. Many varieties come in orange and reddish hues with single or double-fluffy flowers.

Flowers that love full sun and heat – sunflower