Fastest Growing Ornamental Trees
If you moved into a new place and turn your attention to the garden, after finishing the interior, you should then consider some of these fastest growing ornamental trees. You can use for the shade or screens to enjoy intimacy on your patio. Since they often grow large and hit maturity within 20 to 30 years, then decline, so are good candidates where you need quick shade or a windbreak while waiting for slower-growing trees to catch up. Here are some ideas for the fastest growing ornamental trees:
The first is the bald cypress, a good choice for wet or swampy sites. Bald cypress has few insect or disease problems. The foliage turns russet red in late fall before dropping and exposing attractive reddish-brown bark. Growing at a rate of 18 to 24 inches per year, it can reach up to 100 feet tall.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – the bald cypress
The European black alder is another fast growing tree. Ideal for low, wet spots in the landscape where other trees often fail, European black alder is native in most areas of Europe. Avoid planting near sidewalks and sewer lines. Growing rapidly when young, it slows to 12 to 15 inches per year, reaching 40 to 60 feet tall.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – European black alder
The Yoshino flowering cherry tree is widely used as an ornamental tree, valued for its abundance of soft, white flowers in spring. This tree is regarded by many horticulturalist as the best flowering tree you can find, perfect to create borders and bring accent to small areas on the lawn.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – Yoshino cherry tree
Its relative, the Kwanzan cherry tree rapidly grows to a mature height of 30-40 ft. and blooms in large clusters of pink flowers which bring vitality to the garden. It is a tree that grows easily in any type of climate and soil.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – Kwanzan cherry tree
The freeman maple is a hybrid maple with brilliant red-orange fall color. It grows 75–80 feet high and prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil with neutral pH. The variety ‘Autumn Blaze’ is very fast-growing, reaching 50–60 feet high.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – freeman maple
The Japanese pagoda tree blooms creamy flowers in summer and needs little care. A native of China and Japan, it grows 12 to 15 inches per year, and can grow to 75 feet tall and wide.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – Japanese pagoda tree
Last on our list is the tulip tree known for its beautiful yellow-orange spring flowers, unusual leaves shaped somewhat like tulip silhouettes, yellow fall foliage, and attractive form. They grow 15 to 18 inches per year and can reach up to 100 feet tall.

Fastest growing ornamental trees – tulip tree