Fall Gardening Tasks – Preparing For A New Crop

If you harvested the crop already then you should just take the next step to avoid being caught unawares by winter. There’s still a lot to do in the garden, such preparing your green corner for the next spring. Below is a to-do list to keep you busy gardening this time of the year. So here are some fall gardening tasks to make sure next crop is as hefty as you expect.

For a start, check the soil. It is recommended you get your soil tested and add amendments as needed depending on what plants you grow or what you plan to grow next year. If not, just throw a layer of compost to ready the garden for a nutrient treatment over the winter.

Speaking of compost, clean the garden and the yard by clearing away dead foliage and use your garden debris and leaves to start a new compost pile. Here is how you can make your own compost at home, saving some money. At the same time, cut back perennials that have died down take hardwood cuttings from deciduous shrubs so they start anew next spring with more energy.

If you have plants on the patio that did well in the sun, then make sure all these vacationing houseplants are brought back inside. Take cuttings of tender perennials and put them in a pot to keep the species going in case a frosty winter takes a toll on the garden.

As we’ve said before, autumn is the best season to plant fruit trees. First of all, the cooler temperatures are much less stressful on the trees that summer heat which can take a toll on their proper growth. At the same time, fall planting allows just enough time for the roots of a tree to become established – getting them accustomed to the soil and preparing them for fast growth the following spring, especially since the rainy season also helps a tree to settle in more firmly. In spring, the fruit trees enter the growth period with more vigor.

The best period to plant a fruit tree in a continental area is 15 October to 15 December, after all the leaves have fallen and before the first frost bites. So, before starting, make sure you select varieties that are hardy and tolerant to your growing zone.  In addition, most fruit trees require a second pollinator to insure that the trees will bear fruit so do some research about the list of partner trees some species require.

Also in October, it is the high time you collected and dried new seeds to have enough ammunition to start over next season. Exchange seeds with other people who are into gardening. Last, but not least, harvest and dry aromatic herbs for winter use. And speaking of harvesting, finish harvesting fall crops, like cabbage, apples, pears, grapes and nuts.

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