Decorative Trees With Red Leaves – Amazing Contrasts
The dash of red in a sea of green draws our attention and captures the interest alike. The decorative trees with red leaves are a discreet presence in parks and gardens, yet the visual contrast they create is of great effect. If you want to add some color accents to your garden, then these trees with red leaves are the perfect choice. See below some species that will brighten up your garden and give it a distinct chromatic note.
The first on the list the Japanese maple tree with all the different species. Atropurpureum is that has deeply lobed, purple foliage throughout the spring and summer. In the autumn, the foliage turns vivid crimson red creating a wonderful, seasonal canvas. This Japanese maple does best when planted in a sheltered position avoiding heavy, waterlogged soils, and will provide vibrant color for most of the year.

Decorative trees with red leaves – red Japanese maple three
Another species, Asahi Zuru, grows into a multitude of colors, among which the intense pink stands out.

Decorative trees with red leaves – Asahi Zuru
Another Japanese maple tree species is Beni Maiko, which translates to “red haired dancing girl”. This acer tree displays shocking pink/bright red, deeply lobed foliage in the spring which turns pinkish-red followed by green in the summer and then bursts into vibrant orange and fiery red autumn colors. This Japanese maple will grow up to three meters in 20 years in an attractive compact form.

Decorative trees with red leaves – Beni Maiko
Beni Komachi, which means “Red Beautiful Little Girl”, boasts beautiful, red foliage and has a dwarf habit, remaining small and only reaching a height of two meters in full maturity. In spring the delicate, new foliage is an intense, true red, turning dark-green with purple tinged edges in summer before developing outstanding, vibrant, scarlet tones in autumn.

Decorative trees with red leaves – Beni Komachi
The red Cappadocian maple tree which produces a burst of rich color in spring which transforms to green in the summer and then boasts stunning golden autumn color.

Decorative trees with red leaves – Cappadocian maple tree
The North-American Redbud also makes it on our list, with its purple bark and beautiful pink-violet flowers which resembles the ones of the locust tree. It is a very popular decorative tree in parks and gardens while its pod like fruit are rich in tannin, with strong astringent role. The tree does well in full sun.

Decorative trees with red leaves – redbud tree
Prunus Schubert or Prunus America is a very cold hardy tree, used for its foliage which changes from green in spring to dark purple as the weather warms, then intensifies to reddish in autumn.

Decorative trees with red leaves – prunus America
Last on our list is the purple birch tree which displays the typical silvery white bark, contrasting beautifully with rich, dark foliage making this variety an ideal feature tree.

Decorative trees with red leaves – purple birch tree
I am interested in a Prunus Schubert. However, do you have a second party selling it? What is the price? Shippable to California? Size of tree at shipping time? Thanks.