Most Common Home Design Mistakes That Stress You Out Later On

If you go for a custom made plan for your home, there are of course a lot of rules to be considered. But leave that to the architect. You just look out for a few details that may seem small, but in time turn into major frustrations. Here are the most common home design mistakes according to the architects at Nauta Home Designs, that specializes in house plan design.

1. Too much storage space

Yes, you can have that, and it’s not to your advantage. Leaving too much storage space when you make your plan can encourage you to let a lot of unneeded things pile up and not keep your stuff in order. Plus, the surface you waste on storage can be otherwise used, especially if you have a growing family and you could use an extra bedroom or a playroom.

2. Too little storage space

Cheapskating on your storage space is the flipside to the first issue. Don’t just leave the least storage room you can for your current needs, as you may find yourself at some point wishing you had left a bit of extra room for a uniquely shaped vacuum cleaner you purchase or for storing all those winter jackets.

3. The most common home design mistakes. Garage – kitchen

Not providing short, easy access from the garage to the kitchen can be very frustrating, especially when you get home with the trunk full of groceries and you have to carry all those bags through other rooms of the house.

4. The most common home design mistakes. Entrance – bedroom

Leaving as much space as you can between the entrance and the children’s bedroom will be much appreciated especially when you have guests coming and leaving the house late.

5. Foyer space

This is the first place in the house you and your guests see, so you don’t want it to look cramped. Try to have the staircase at least 5 feet away from the front door and aim to make the space large enough for a small piece of furniture, like a storage bench or table, to fit comfortably inside.

6. Light switches

Think back to a time when you entered a room and tried to flip a switch that just wasn’t there. You’ll want to position light switches in a place that is intuitive to a person entering the room. If you have stairs or a room has more than one entrance, consider multiple switches so that lights can be turned on or off from both floors or either side of the room.

7. The most common home design mistakes. Bathroom in sight

Make your bathroom doors the least visible you can, especially from common areas, like the living room or the kitchen. Separating hallways will provide more privacy and comfort when using the bathroom for you and your guests.


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