Business Ideas With Flowers, Money Out Of Passion

A garden is, first and foremost, a refuge where we hide to recharge the batteries at the end of a busy day or week, an oasis of tranquility we all crave. But this green space can also turn into a source of income if you know how to mix business with pleasure and make money out of this passion for flowers you and also a great mass of potential customers share. From potted flowers, indoor and outdoor ornamental plants, garlands and cut flowers, options are various enough for one to take the first step in this business. Moreover, as we will see below, gardening can also have other commercial benefits.

A flower shop is the first of the business ideas with flowers, excellent for anyone who enjoys hands-on work and is willing to seize the opportunity to channel their creative talents into a business – and enjoy the freedom, satisfaction, and financial rewards that will go with it. It doesn’t necessarily require special qualifications or prior experience, but only passion and basic knowledge about growing plants and floral ornaments. In a growing market, which is now expanding online (in 2013 the market in Romania was assessed at 200 million Euros while in America it stood at 20 billion Euros) it is always room for a new initiative. Keep in mind though that, in average, it takes three years of constant investments to finally get a profit. A good news is that, in parallel, the wedding planning industry, which goes hand in hand with the flower industry, is also booming.

Grow or order flowers that customers are looking for not those you think they may bring you more money. For this reason it is important you know the market very well before launching such a business: visit the flower fairs and markets, talk to other florists or seek advice from the specialized associations. Do not forget though that this business can open doors to related commercial activities such as selling seeds, seedlings, gardening equipment and consultancy in planning gardens.

Beyond the flower business, it is also important to know those who have beautiful and large gardens can turn a penny out of opening them to the public, especially in the big cities where a lavish green space definitely becomes a point of attraction. If you have enough space, grow veggies and flowers that you can sell, such as chilies, saffron, olives, truffles and other exotic plants to sell and which can be produced on a small but intensive scale. You can also grow rare flowers such as alpines, giving an example of such a successful initiative.

Turn to livestock – quails, for instance, for their meat and eggs or ducks. In this context, open a pop-up restaurant or cafe, using herbs and veggies you’ve grown yourself. Another tip is to sell anything that you can make out of your garden, such as willow work, plant supports, herbs, cut flowers, sculptures or salvaged items from your land.


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