Best Plants For Bathrooms – Extra Freshness
We don’t usually associate plants with bathrooms. But still, despite the apparent hostile environment, with often low light, fluctuating temperatures and high humidity there are species of plants that do well in the bathroom. These are usually plants that prefer the humid environment and low light. Then, some of them are air purifying plants, so the bathrooms are an ideal place to grow them. Below are some of the best plants for bathrooms:
Aloe Vera is an easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent plant that makes a perfect choice for bathrooms. It is recommended you place it on the windowsill to get as much of the sunlight. And since it doesn’t need lots of water to survive, humidity should be fairly enough to keep it healthy. It also helps clear formaldehyde, a toxic chemical product found in carpet and furniture glues, and benzene.

Best plants for bathrooms – aloe vera
Bamboo is an elegant presence in your bathrooms, especially if it is a large space. Bamboo is a plant that loves high temperatures, while humidity in the bathroom will help it thrive. If planted in a container by the window, it will grow towards the light source.

Best plants for bathrooms – bamboo
Orchids are also on our list. Because they are exotic plants, they do well in high humidity and low light. Place them on countertops, by the tub, on sinks, especially in modern bathrooms, bringing freshness to the place.

Best plants for bathrooms – orchids, an elegant presence
The spider plant is probably one of the most popular indoor plants ever. Spider plants come in a number of varieties, and work well as hanging plants, so place it up on cupboards, in corners. Spider plants do well with evenly moist soil and bright or medium lighting conditions so bathroom is one of the places where it can grow.

Best plants for bathrooms – spider plant
As concerns bathrooms getting much natural bright light, azalea is one of the choices of plants. Azalea is a perennial pot plant, with colorful flowers. It is ideal for decorating a bathroom thanks to its shrub shape and rich round foliage.

Best plants for bathrooms – azalea
Another decorative plant that does well in the bathroom is the snake plant. It is one of the most low-maintenance plants you can grow, which makes it the perfect choice for a bathroom. This low-light plant filters out formaldehyde, common in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues—and even some cosmetics.

Best plants for bathrooms – snake plant