Six Winter Perennial Plants
Even though cold has taken over and nature has grown numbed, don’t hesitate to prepare your garden for spring. Despite the weather outside, some winter hardy plants will take you from the chill of this season to the sunshine of spring in vivid colors, bursting with vitality which will also take you out of the inertness state. Now is the moment to take care of them for an early spring floral joy. Here are five winter perennial plants that you can now rely on for an energetic start of the warm season.
Brunnera opens this list, a plant that blooms in blue-purple flowers in early spring. It makes a perfect match with ferns and primula in tasteful flower decorations. It also features beautiful foliage which appears to be frozen thanks to their chromatic. It is a frost and wind resistant plant which grows very well in moist and acidic soil and does well in the shade.

Winter perennial plants – brunnera, with “frozen” leaves
Saxifrage is another plant that firmly fight low temperatures, strong winds, as well as poor soil and lack of nutrients. It is a crawler, with the appearance of a bush, which needs intensive light to grow. Small purple flowers burst as soon as temperature goes above 0 degrees.

Winter perennial plants – all-mighty saxifraga
Hepatica is a flower with the Anemone family which produces different color flowers, ranging from white and pink to purple, late winter or early spring. Another member of the family, winter windflower or Anemone blanda, delights the eyes with similar different color flowers blooming in March.

Winter perennial plants – the two Anemone sisters
Hellebore, popularly known as winter rose or Christmas rose, is a plant tempered to face many enemies, among which very low temperatures, hence its popular name. It is a plant that grows in Romania at an over 500 meters altitude and has many healing properties, being used, for instance, in treating dormant forms of cancer. These resistant flowers burst into bloom early spring, and even earlier, while winter is still roaming around.

Winter perennial plants – Hellebore
Cyclamen is another plan which doesn’t care much about the frost outside. Its amazingly beautiful flowers, coming out in a purplish pink, delight us as of late fall, resisting all the way across the winter till early spring when the plant goes dormant.

Winter perennial plants – cyclamen