What To Do With A Bottle – 10 Creative Ideas
Don’t throw away what you can recycle or repurpose, this is the basic rule of all those DIY projects. You will thus bring your humble contribution to the natural environment preserving efforts while you will enjoy new and original decorative items at home and some with a practical utility. Today we are reviewing the creative potential that lies in the bottles, either of glass or plastic, presenting five repurposing ideas for each type. So here is what to do with a bottle, the banal item which we dispose of with no second thought.
Let’s start with the classy glass bottles. A well-known company designed a beer bottle that doubles as a brick to address housing and recycling challenges. Here is what it can be used for.

What to do with a bottle – build in an ingenious manner
And since a bottle is after all a small container, then why not keep this primary role while giving it a new utility? Take a beer bottle and turn it into a small flower pot where you can easily grow various herbs.

What to do with a bottle – grow your favorite herbs
The same bottle, a little bigger this time, becomes a truly original flower stand that can bring freshness and personality to any corner of the home or outdoor spaces.

What to do with a bottle – bring life to any corner
Bring light into your homes in different ways, creating that romantic atmosphere that any couple could use. Inside or outside, these ideas match any context.

What to do with a bottle – let there be light
And, since we mentioned decorations, let’s then ornate with god taste! The bottles are the perfect accessory to redecorate a room and bring extra vitality by means of different colors.

What to do with a bottle – simple, yet tasteful decorations
It’s plastic bottles’ turn now. Let’s start with the same ornaments that will bring the home atmosphere back to life and enchant the curious eyes.

What to do with a bottle – bring some color inside or outside
Some go even further than the simple, yet expressive, ornaments, and sail away. See for yourselves!

What to do with a bottle – sail away!
Put some plastic bottle together and then wrap them successively to finally get a cozy and fine looking ottoman which always comes in handy and you can place anywhere inside.

What to do with a bottle – a truly original ottoman
And since we all yearn for nature, then bring that natural green closer to you, inside or outside, by making some vertical gardens out of the flexible material.

What to do with a bottle – vertical gardens
Speaking of nature, spare a thought for its small messengers which can always use some help from you. Turn a plastic bottle into a food dispenser for birds and nature will be grateful to you.

What to do with a bottle – closer to nature
Sources: Boredpanda.com, Designrulz.com, Pinterest.com