Houses Made Of Used Tires – Flexible Homes
There is nothing that can stand in the way of people’s imagination when it comes to building homes. Side by side with the concern to recycle and thus protect nature, creative ideas give rise to homes in whose structures we can find construction materials one would have barely thought of. This time we take a close look at houses made of used tires and we’re not solely talking about tire foundations, but the whole construction made from this material which, as the auto industry is incessantly on the rise, is always at hand.
The first example comes from Kansas where a family spent about ten years collecting used tires and another two building a house out of these material that others dispose of so easily. The house spreads on two stories and a total living area of 250 square meters and is entirely built of, apart from the old tires, recycled materials, such as wood reclaimed from abandoned old buildings.

Houses made of used tires – the successful experiment of a family from Kansas
The second example comes from Canada and shows us a house which, at a first sight, doesn’t give away its secret of having been built from used tires. The home is a whole ensemble which features green building methods, water conservation, organic growing techniques, and renewable energy. In 2011, an environmental organization awarded this ingenious house for its active participation in keeping an organic world. The images attached here show how the house was built, with either earth or mortar rammed into those old tires.

Houses made of used tires – the abode in Canada which is green all the way
We change continents now and see our next house made out of used tires descending from the Black Forest Mountains in Germany. In the true local spirit, this is a passive house which manages its energy needs with help from Mother Nature only. Open to the south through wide windows, for a maximum absorption of natural heat and light, the house comes as an elegant mixture of various construction materials, wood, glass and stucco walls underneath which lie heaps of old tires.

Houses made of used tires – passive home from the Black Forest Mountains
Below are some other images showing houses built with used tires. If you don’t think it fit to build a living home using this material, perhaps you could look at making a vacation retreat out of this, a flexible one, capable of absorbing the shock of energetic holiday activities.

Houses made of used tires – from simple to modern shapes